John Sutcliffe, Channel Controller at Taylors of Harrogate, the company we know best for Yorkshire Tea, recognised the need for his team of account managers to increase their level of skill in Excel. He believed this would give them better insight into their data and save everyone some time. The data that the account managers most often use is a combination of retailer system downloads and internal reporting systems. Each output is very different and requires manipulation to be able to compare and analyse as they don’t appear helpful upon a first glance. The team had previously been on external Excel training courses but failed to retain the content as they didn’t feel that what they were taught was relevant to their day to day work. John asked Emily to design a course for his team that would add value to their work and save them time on a daily basis.
Emily ran two training sessions, a day for beginners and a day for advanced. The course agendas were built to address the difficulties the team face most often when working in Excel and the training was delivered using real life working examples.
68% of the course content was entirely new to the participants, skills that we at Franklin John believe every account manager needs to know. Only 5% of what was covered on the day were skills that the team already knew and used regularly.
“This was the most relevant Excel course I have attended, as the content was focused on the key elements that we would use on a daily/weekly basis”
“This was hugely relevant, make it two days!”
“Definitely – good pace to the course and the content was tailor made for account management”
“Yes – the key feature was the small group and being able to practice rather than being told/talked to”