Record breaking free training

On Thursday last week Emily ran Franklin John’s first webinar for the IGD’s Leading Edge programme. Over 100 people from the grocery industry logged in to learn about pivot tables.  The hour long webinar covered what a pivot table is, what needs to be in place to set one up, how to set one up, combining data using a VLOOKUP and the use of pivot charts.  The training was a huge success and a record breaking attendance for the IGD.  Feedback from the participants was glowing:

  • Excellent trainer
  • Fantastic simplicity
  • Great Webinar, I definitely learned a lot
  • It was taken at a good pace and simple to follow. The practical examples were great to work through
  • Really useful Webinar – I learned a lot
  • So useful, thank you so much
  • It was a great Webinar, thanks again – Emily’s speech was perfect

The popularity of this session (over 200 people signed up from 91 different companies) proves the need there is within the grocery industry for quality, relevant Excel training.  Help your team stand head and shoulders above the rest and get in touch today!


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